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581 Review
286.75 Karma


Revainrating 2 out of 5

I don't know if he can come back.

The Yuki project really aimed at the financial world by benefiting the crypto world. After the first launch was published, several users remained connected to the project and started using the token serving under the name SNOW.
However, the project has stopped developing and updating, and no sharing was made. Then, early last year, the project again updated the roadmap. This update did not provide explanatory information.
When I enter the website, it looks scary as there is no introduction letter to really inform users. Because for what purpose, what kind of service it will provide has not been announced and I can say that my confidence has decreased.
When I look at the domain of the website, I think it is a Japanese centered project. However, unlike some projects, it is not used in some countries.
The token is listed on very few exchanges, and the number of crypto traded seems to be very few. In addition, the coin is worthless. Because all investors withdrew all their investments after the soon-to-be update. Currently, the token does not have a daily trading volume at the time I post this review.
Generally speaking, I see the project as risky and I do not advise anyone to use it. You may lose money if you use it.

  • I like the design.
  • Big investments were made in a short time.
  • I wrote to the support team and got a response. I AM SHOCK.
  • no updates for a long time.
  • There is no explanatory information on the website.
  • The SNOW token is worthless.
  • Currently there is no trading volume.
  • It is listed on very few exchanges.