Once assembled, the device becomes a great helper. The magnifying glass they claim is real glass and you can see it when you look at it, not plastic. The ring light is fantastic too. It really helps bring light to where it's needed. Due to the two rows of LEDs, the ring light also has 3 different colors, one is bright white, the other is warm white. There are also 10 different lighting levels to choose from when working on a project. The clamps come with caps that can be placed over the jaws to prevent damage to the boards or whatever else you are working on. All arms stay in the position you put them in, but they're a bit difficult to move at first, which might sound bad, but it's not. screw into the base. Turning the top counter-clockwise will loosen it and, when you've done enough, the screw will pull out of the base. There are better ways to get the spin function to work and not loosen the set tension on the top ring. After some more testing and placing the included nylon washer next to the screw head rather than between the base and the base to attach the hands to, this issue was alleviated somewhat, but has not yet been tested in use. Another disadvantage is that the base of the clamps is hollow and can be crushed if over-tightened or over-tightened. The solution to this problem is to insert a 5/32" rod into the base of the clamp to prevent this and also allow a higher clamp force to be used. Just be careful not to use too much to pull the aluminum screw out. thread at the end of each arm.