I used to think that only microsoft with their xbox can make good joysticks, but after playing on the xbox one joystick, I was very disappointed in it, and realized that controller is still the best joystick in the world. Pros below: 1. Size. The joystick is slightly larger than the ds3 (controller 3) and because of this it fits quite comfortably in the hand. 2. Design. The joystick looks pretty nice compared to the ds3. 3. The location of the buttons. The buttons are perfectly located, it is very convenient to play, you quickly remember where to press. 4. Light bulb. The light indicator helps in some games, for example in killzone it displays the number of health. 5. Touch panel. If necessary, performs the function of a mouse for five plus. 6. Speed of response. The response speed compared to ds3 has been improved by 15 percent, in general terms, this is of course imperceptible, but still. Some cons: 1. Charge. The game time compared to ds3 has been reduced to about 13 hours, although I have enough for one evening.