I had four branded rulers and left one with my son-in-law. These people were over 20 years old. I bought another locally but the foil didn't stay in place. I returned it and got another one and while it was better than the one I replaced, the bolt slipped from time to time. It was too loose. I saw it online and bought it. It looks good. Wires and stops built into the blades are used instead of brass hinges. Let's see how durable it is over the years, that could be a wear point. The sled holds its position for the first 1.0625 inches, which isn't much better than what I recently bought. I checked the markings against my old rulers and found them dead, that was good. I was intrigued by the composition, it has to be weatherproof which means I can submerge it in water. I don't need it often, but it's a nice feature. I have this at home for routine measurements. I gifted a recently purchased line to my wife who sews. She said it would be more convenient than some of the tapes and criteria she uses now. There is an idea for producers! Make them in pretty colors and instead of the red numbers for the rivets, draw red numbers for the yardage. The sewers would swallow them up in a jiffy, and price doesn't matter to them. Take it from someone who knows.