This product does not give any kind of reports or analytics at all. The platform was built without any kind of analysis. I'm sure there are some reports out there somewhere but I couldn't find them. You can also not see your contacts from previous jobs, you have to start again from scratch to create new job listings. There is no way to manage projects within the platform. If you add a job listing in the job board you cannot access that job posting anywhere else. All the jobs appear in a separate tab. I would love to see a calendar integration. There is no search function for jobs, which means that I have to go through all my job postings and try to find the right ones. The ability to add pictures and descriptions to jobs is really lacking. There are no ways to filter jobs. There is no way to track how many times a job was viewed or applied to. Overall, the dashboard looks nice and it is easy to use. But there are lots of limitations in terms of usability. For example, there is no way to track where a client came from. There is no way to add additional fields to jobs.