Great tool, powerful and well made - real DeWalt quality. Would have been 5 stars but the adjustable rail is a bit flimsy and will drift unless you actually scroll it. My only fear is that I will have to tighten the guide so much that the set screw may be damaged. subject to clarification. Note that with all of these instruments it's very easy to break bits the first few times, so buy a pack if you buy this one (they're cheap). Depending on which direction you point it, it'll make really clean cuts or not-so-clean cuts (like drywall), depending on whether the bit is cutting up or pushing down. Be careful though, if you "climb" into the cut with it, it can leap at you like a router, so hold the workpiece tight and steady - calm and controlled. He can leave you quickly. Nailing the guide also helps with longer cuts. Great tool for cutting drywall or plywood. Wear hearing and eye protection.