So don't be disappointed! To see my granddaughter (almost 4 years old) get so excited upon seeing such disappointment was heartbreaking. I mean I knew it was going to be cheap and not very high quality, both pairs of earrings broke when I put them on her (and yes I was very careful), the mermaid dress is cut horribly and is actually either a skirt or a T shirt. It doesn't even look like a mermaid and I could go on like this but I'll spare you. But their biggest concern was the gloves, and they were BOTH left-handed. She was so frustrated and didn't understand why they didn't work so we tried to convince her to put one on her right hand the wrong way round, but they have big hearts on their backs so it made a heart in her palm. I wish I could open it up and take a look before she did. it was such a FAIL!
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