This receiver is one of the best electronics I've come across recently. Based on my observations, it worked perfectly with my TV and gave me a seamless control experience. The most impressive feature of this receiver is its fast responsiveness which makes it stand out in the crowd .However, my only gripe is that it's a bit overpriced. Overall, it's a reliable product that delivers on its promises and is worth considering if you`re in the market for a new receiver..
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📺 UBISHENG U-003 ATSC Digital Converter Box - Ultimate Set Top Box/TV Converter for 1080P HDTV with HDMI Cable, TV Tuner Functionality, Time Shift Capability, EPG, TV Recording and Playback, USB Media Player, Timer
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IVIEW-3500STB III: Advanced ATSC Digital Converter Box with Recording, Media Player, and HDMI
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