This is Stella. She is a 78lb pit mix. She loves to wear sweaters and shirts. I ordered her the grey design of this one first. She loved it so much that she would fight us and run away when we would try taking it off. We had gotten some others and would hurry and puqt a different one on her so we could wash it and get it back on her.I ended up ordering this one and the valentine one after that. She has a small container for her clothes and she will use her nose to pick out these over and others. I will be purchasing more!Now, we got the XXL. It is a little snug when the new one goes on, but they stretch as they wear them. The new valentine one they have seems to be made different. Maybe a different material, not the same fit or feel. That one we should probably get the XXXL.I wanted to post some pics to show a bigger dog in these. I am so glad I found them!
Waterproof Dog Raincoat With Adjustable Belly Strap, Leash Hole & Reflective Strip - Lightweight Breathable Hoodie Jacket For Medium Large Dogs - Easy To Wear
40 Review
Tangpan Turtleneck Classic Straw-Rope Pet Dog Sweater Apparel (Pink,S)
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Pink Deer Knit Dog Sweater Dress With Craft Pom Pom Ball Pullover Ruffle For Small Dogs CuteBone Snowflake Girl
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Joytale Small Dog Sweater Turtleneck Dress: Stylish Winter Cable Knitwear for Cats, Puppies, and Small Dogs
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17 Lb Bag Of Royal Canin Adult Dry Dog Food For Medium Breeds
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Dry food for athletic dogs Pro Plan with sensitive digestion, lamb 1 pack. x 2 pcs. x 3 kg (for large breeds)
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Dry dog food Farmina N&D Ancestral Grain, lamb, with blueberries 1 pack. x 1 pc. x 7 kg (for small breeds)
20 Review
Dry food for juniors over the age of 4 months, pregnant and lactating bitches Grandorf hypoallergenic, Low Grain, lamb with rice 1 pack. x 3 kg
31 Review