I honestly don't know how much stock to put on customer reviews these days so wasn't sure what to would expect when buying. this vertical mouse. If you do some research on these devices, you'll find out pretty quickly that well-known brands are very expensive (around $100 or more). I wasn't sure what to expect from this seller as the price was very reasonable. However, I found a video review elsewhere on the web that gave me the confidence to try it. I'm so glad I did. I have radial tunnel syndrome and the problems associated with it are similar to those of carpal tunnel syndrome. Basically, I have to pay attention to all the clicks and scrolls I make with my middle finger. This was an issue with my gaming mouse as it had an internal mechanism that didn't allow for smooth scrolling. Probably for game-related reasons, the scroll wheel has a hard-stop scrolling feature. This became a real pain for me over time, which is why I spent most of my time with an old mouse just awkwardly scrolling the web with my index finger. With the 7Lucky mouse, I can hold my posture better with my wrist and forearm. , and it's easier to scroll through tasks with your index finger. The scroll wheel is also not as clicky/sticky as on my old mouse. It has a click mechanism but isn't designed to offer much resistance when scrolling, unlike my Logitech G602. I've successfully used this mouse to play Overwatch a few times without too much trouble. The thumb buttons are a bit awkward for my crouch and melee commands, but I think you can get used to it over time. Or I use the G602 for more intense gaming sessions. I haven't decided yet. Overall, you can't beat the $20 price tag. If you're unsure if you're looking for a mouse like this, $20 is a fair price to test the waters. And if this mouse lasts 2 years, it's worth its money. Perhaps the only downside I've seen so far is related to the matte finish of the device. Although I like this coating because it feels velvety and soft, it's easy to see fingerprints on it in a short period of time. If you can ignore it (like me) it's probably not a problem. I will also say that I have had no battery issues with this mouse. I charged it for a few hours after it arrived and it's been working great ever since. Goes to sleep quickly after 5-10 minutes of inactivity, but a squeeze and wakes up immediately.
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