Actually a very good helmet. The appearance is pleasant, the inner lining is very beautiful, the chin strap is excellent. That being said, I only got two stars from me because pretty much everything else about this helmet isn't great. First off, the XXL size is designed to fit heads from 24 3/4 to 25 1/8 inches. My head size is 24.5 inches. The inside diameter of this XXL helmet is actually about 23 inches and my entire forehead is visible when I put it on my head. It's just a really bad size. Second, I would not recommend using it as a motorcycle helmet. I bought it to use as an eBike helmet and it will probably work for that. Motorcycle? No way. This is a bike helmet at its finest. If it is actually DOT approved I very much doubt what those requirements are because this helmet is not going to help you in a motorcycle accident. Third, I thought there would be more foam padding inside. I assumed there would be styrofoam, but I also figured there would be 1/2" to 3/4" styrofoam. This helmet is very uncomfortable and hard. They literally put Styrofoam covered with fabric on their heads. Again, this is basically a bicycle helmet. In principle this is a well-made helmet and looks very good, but the design and the materials used are poor, primitive and uncomfortable. You also really need to work on the sizing description as it is very inaccurate. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as it was ridiculously cheap, but I figured it was most likely because I bought it used through the Revain Warehouse. It's probably worth the cheap price, but from the photos and description it looked like it was a much more expensive helmet, given that it's a half helmet. I returned it for a refund.
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