I have several of these fold-up carry-on size bags. I often give as gifts. They fold up to (large) palm size. They open up to carry a weekend’s worth of travel gear. It’s flimsy so heavier items gather at the bottom. Use packing cubes or such. Also - best feature - when in use - the pocket (what it folds into when not in use) slides over your MOST rolly suitcase handles. When it was fully packed, it did not fit over the handle easily. A little bit of force caused a tear. Can probably repair in a sewing machine (which I do not have). Or with an iron-on patch to the inside. But for the price - I can afford to retire it (fill it with other retired items, snacks, water and necessaries, and give to a homeless person).
ECOSUSI Nylon Duffle Bag Weekender Travel Tote With Trolley Sleeve For Sports, Beige - Perfect Carry On Bag For Overnight Trips
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Sechunk Canvas Backpack: Versatile Crossbody Shoulder Bag For Men And Women
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Plambag Canvas Messenger Bag For Men - Small Shoulder Crossbody Purse For Travel And School With Tablet Compartment, Fits 10" IPad
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