This tool was used on hard maple floors and we installed approximately 12,000 studs with it. Because of this, it only failed once, perhaps because we hit an invisible nail. It was solid in almost everything, except that if it tips over, and it will happen to you, it will most likely shoot a spike across the room. I estimate that he shot me about 5 times in about 8 working days. So who is stupid here? Me who kept using it? Probably. Estwing, who hasn't told their company lawyers about this interesting feature? I think so. Or have I just gone soft? Definitive. So I would say this thing and the hammer that came with it was excellent, very valuable aside from trying to kill the main trick they have. If so, buy good safety goggles. It's not really "Estwing" in production, apart from a perfect hammer. A backup would be perfect. Even has a very high Q carry case.