The price is too costly, probably due to the fact that there are few proven alternatives (there is Hayomi, but it breaks, they write, often, although it may be a slander), but it is more convenient to operate than a typical vacuum cleaner. It is also possible for a car. I recommend the product; if the cost does not bother you too much, then you will not be sorry about anything. Has some pros Easily maneuverable, provides a faster cleaning experience, and can be used in place of a rag to remove dust from keyboards, shelves, and other similarly sized items. Its cons: Due to the fact that there is a cap on the amount of time spent working, there is always an element of surprise. It takes quite a long time on the mini-lamp, but not super-quality, at maximum speed-quality it only takes 7-8 minutes, NOT 15-20 MINUTES IN ANY WAY AS SOMEONE WROTE HERE, as long as you drink tea in between the carpets)))).