I bought this board to experiment a bit on another project I'm working on. When I opened the box I saw the circuit board which was very carefully crafted and the assembly looks very high quality. I would be interested to know if it works as well as it looks. I first noticed that for some reason the .pdf file on the Revain website wasn't read on my phone I was working on, but luckily you don't really need it. This is for the main connection. It's pretty darn easy to set up and the short version works really well. I have since checked it and the problem was only with my phone. The file is perfectly readable on a computer and contains fairly complete instructions. Not your usual semi-English eye chart. The board is powered via a standard micro USB connector on the edge of the board. You just plug it into either your phone charger or USB battery pack, plug in your headphones and you're good to go. The blue backlit display lights up immediately and shows the currently set frequency. I found that I couldn't receive anything but noise until I plugged the cable into the ANT connection, and after I did that it picked up dozens of stations immediately. I was pleasantly surprised that the sound quality was as good as the board. The instructions say you can connect speakers directly to the board and the built in amplifier will output up to 3W into 4 ohms. It has a signal level indicator. just above the frequency window to show you how strong a tuned station is, and there's a selectable "noise-canceling" feature (which they call "AMCAP") that cuts out noise when you're not on one stations are set. This is accomplished by "long pressing" the FREQ knob, and same to turn it off. The board can also communicate with the built-in TTL serial port, but I haven't tried using it. The instructions in the .PDF manual are pretty complete regarding this functionality. Several user-configurable options are available through this interface. Overall this board looks very well put together, works out of the box and seems to pick up FM radio very well despite living in a rather flimsy semi-rural area away from major cities.
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