It has its own tools called "Actions" that you need to learn like everything else - but once familiar it really helps organize project workflows for our construction projects with detailed information about each submittal/project change requested as well how they were resolved (approved / approved then changed) etc.. You can also export PDF reports so there are options available at nearly every stage throughout your workflow process! I don't have any dislikes about GMC other than maybe more templates would be nice from some outside suppliers? But we get most all what we want out them when requesting customizations through support@gmcapplicationsolutionsltd., com I like that it's easy to use and has many features for customization. It can be difficult to figure out what you need at first, but once you get used to it, it works great! We are able to use this software with our customers and have them see their data as well. This helps us to keep track of all the projects we do. If they need to change something, we can show them exactly how to make the changes.