Firstly, this socket is much cheaper than similar products in big hardware stores. For that alone it's worth the purchase for me. It's a little "designer" in the sense that it has a screwless lid, so it looks a little better than a regular socket. It seems to charge well, and tamper-proof outlets keep sawdust from my store from getting into the ports. My job was to install it horizontally. The ground screw is in an impossible place and it's quite a hassle to line up the wire in the box, especially when using 12 gauge wire. Additionally, the screw is not rigid or held in place so it slides in and out of its hole making it virtually impossible to loop a wire around it. I wonder if the engineer who designed this device has ever installed an outlet in his life? So get ready, you can add another 15 minutes to the time allotted to install this outlet.
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