This is the sharpest lens I've ever used in the long history of the 35mm, slightly medium format and now digital. It's also one of the easiest to use I've ever had. I also have a 12-40mm counterpart and while I really like it, the 40-150 is in a class by itself. It's heavier than the smaller lenses in the Oly system, so you'll need to use it on the days you're going to be shooting, but it's so much lighter than any comparable alternative that I've found those days to be a lot more common now . The rose image sample was taken handheld in near total darkness at a half-second shutter speed, showing just how incredible the image stabilization is. there's even a Mark 1 in my aging OM1-D E1 case. With a later back, the results would probably be even better. The dangling wisteria was captured when I spotted the backlight over breakfast and decided I needed to take a picture. That's what this lens does. it makes me want to take pictures. This lens really changed the way I see things.