Not only can I no longer tighten the chuck to secure the bits, but sometimes the chuck gets stuck in one position and it takes effort to get it out. The same thing happened to the drill she replaced, but the drill was five years old. I only use this drill once a week to drill an average of five holes and still it has lasted less than three months. The return window closed less than a month ago so I'll just have to toss it and try to find something that lasts. Should have returned it as soon as it showed signs of failure but didn't respond quickly enough. Today, drill bits don't last long enough to drill two holes in drywall with a hole saw, and then I couldn't twist hard enough to pull the chuck off a few tries. I've been buying DeWalt for ages and have never had a product that lasted so short. If I've been using it every day since I bought it and doing the same amount of work every day as once a week, it would last 11 days. It is a pity.