Bought to replace Reebok Classic Leather Uniform Shoes. They are of inferior quality. The edges of the material around the holes where the laces pass and along the edges of the components will turn white after a week of wear. Looks like they took white leather and dyed it black and now the paint is peeling off. I can touch it up with black leather paint from time to time. but I shouldn't do that. Obviously, Reebok is always looking for a cheaper shoe factory. What started out as a good source for uniforms for me (I wear 15) a few years ago has gone from bad to worse. with every order. They're reasonably comfortable, have memory foam insoles, but the soles pick up a lot of dirt and grime and hold it in place so it can't be rubbed off on the carpet by the door, so you have to keep an eye on them around the house . Not worth the price in my opinion.