I love these ILOOYZ grinding wheels for shaping wood. I've used 40 grit snap discs and they work well, but the grit on the edges wears out quickly and the disc starts to cut more slowly and builds up heat that can easily burn the wood. I've seen chainsaw blades for angle grinders, but to be honest I've seen too many firsthand accounts of people hurting themselves that I've hesitated to try them. ILOOYZ is a fantastic middle ground. They're rounded and offer a great profile for creating nice smooth curves and very fast stock removal, but they cut with hundreds of tiny sharp carbide teeth so there's a lot less chance of catching and losing control than one chainsaw cutters. and the teeth stay nice and sharp. So far I've used a blade and cut red oak, walnut, baltic birch, cedar and yellow pine plywood and it still cuts as well as I put it on an angle grinder for the first time. . For the work I got from this ILOOYZ drive, it would be easy to send a few flip drives to the trash and it's still very usable. If you're looking for a fairly aggressive woodcarving wheel that will last and aren't trying to give up your job if you push the tool too aggressively, I really recommend trying it out, I think you'll be just as impressed as I am.