I bought the 2021 version of the WiFi surveillance camera doorbell. The instructions on how to sync the doorbell to the device weren't very clear, but we finally got it right. Make sure you press and hold both the call reject button and the doorbell button at the same time. I have a security camera installed at my work place which may NOT be the ideal location for that particular doorbell or similar. First, because my shop is on a busy street. Cars are always moving. Needless to say, I finally disabled motion detection entirely. He found more cars than people. In fact, I rarely see him grabbing a person, and people walk past my door all the time. I will most likely only use the doorbell function as I keep the front door locked as my services are by appointment only. I haven't had a chance to fully test the doorbell feature and its recording, but so far this doorbell shows promise. It is also very durable and high quality. I'm glad we can adjust the doorbell volume because it's quite loud. Not a huge range of calls but just need the basic doorbell it has. Thumbs up for now.
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