While I had great hopes for Emibele, my online shopping experience with them was less than stellar. The goods I ordered were of low quality, and delivery was inconsistent, despite the company's claim of offering the lowest prices around. To begin with, the clothes I purchased did not resemble the online photos at all. Everything from the hues to the materials to the stitching was poorly done. The goods themselves were of very poor quality, to my great dismay. Unfortunately, I had to wait longer than anticipated for my order to arrive because of a delay. One of the parts was missing when they came, and it took multiple calls to customer service to get it fixed. The quality remained unacceptable even after the missing component was delivered. After one cleaning, the fabric was scratchy and the stitches were coming undone. I found working with Emibele to be a frustrating and unsatisfactory experience overall. Their poor quality and erratic shipping aren't worth the low prices and cutting-edge styles they advertise. If you're searching for good clothes and consistent service, look elsewhere.