Strap arrived early, it's comfortable, fits my watch perfectly, the print is great. but this is not a real NATO strap. The NATO strap runs through both spring bars to prevent losing your watch if one of the spring bars fails or breaks. Great concept. However, the buckle on this strap is held in place by another tiny spring bar and should fail. Bye hours. Proper NATO straps have a steel ring buckle that is stronger than most commercially available spring bars. Some have a steel ring with a tiny offset gap to allow the strap to fasten, but the gap is very small and the buckle is unlikely to lose its shape unless extreme stress is applied. The clasp should ABSOLUTELY NOT contain a tiny spring bar that is weaker than any of the main spring bars connecting the strap to the watch case, as this completely reduces the security offered by the NATO strap. If you are buying this strap for looks or for fashion purposes then great get it. However, if you're buying it for the security that a NATO strap is supposed to provide so you don't lose your watch to a broken spring bar, look elsewhere.