First, quick response and delivery. The first hard drive I tried was an old SATA hard drive from my old desktop which is about 10 years old. The work is easy and quicker than I remembered. So easy to set up. Next, the reason I actually got it was because the IDE hard drive is over 20 years old. Tried it for the first time, no luck. It didn't work, didn't recognize the hard drive. My computer played a little tune to indicate something was connected, but that old drive wasn't in my directory. For a while I was glad it worked so well with a SATA drive. But then for some reason, I don't know why, I tried to connect both drives at the same time. Eureka! Both drives showed up as "G" for a SATA drive and "H" for an IDE drive. Of course, all files were there and working. I found some really old photos (1996) that I was hoping for and surprised some family members. Some EXE files didn't run, but that's what I expected. However, many were still working. I had an old version of MathCad 6.0 that worked great. I cannot express how happy I am with this little inexpensive device. I would give 10 stars if I could.
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