Probably good. But nobody - NO! - My lighting kits can use this lamp voltage. Of course it's my fault for not reading the description carefully, but be aware that they only work with a few very select filaments of light, probably not those that require bulbs. Ugh, back to the start and have yet to change the bulbs.
Lamp LED Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Bulb Warm White (XMBGDP01YLK), E27, 8 W, 2700 K
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Lamp LED Yeelight Smart LED Bulb 1S, YLDP13YL, E27, 8.5 W, 6500 K
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Lamp LED Xiaomi Mi Smart LED Bulb Essential (MJDPL01YL), E27, 9 W, 6500 K
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Lamp LED Yeelight Smart LED Bulb W3 (YLDP005), E27, A60, 8 W, 6500 K
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