I bought this for an AutoCAD deployment. The USB was 256GB and contained 236GB of data. I spent a few days duplicating because the computers we assigned took about 36 hours to duplicate 4 at a time. The copier kept restarting after an hour of trying. I bought another batch of USB but the same thing continued.
ASUS Lite Portable USB 2.0 Slim 8X DVD Burner +/- Rewriter External Drive, Mac & Windows Compatible, Black (SDRW-08D2S-U/BLK/G/AS)
21 Review
ASUS DRW-24B3ST/BLK/G: High-Speed SATA Optical Drive in Classic Black
11 Review
Efficient USB Cloning and Erasing with StarTech.com 1:2 Standalone USB Duplicator and Eraser (USBDUP12)
11 Review
Verbatim Slimline Blu-Ray DVD CD Writer USB 3.0 - M-Disc Ready | Windows & Mac Compatible | Metallic Black
11 Review
Zalman Z3 M ATX π» Tower Computer: A Compact and Powerful Machine
77 Review
Fractal Design Node 304 - Black - Mini Cube Compact Computer Case - Small Form Factor - Mini ITX β mITX - Enhanced Airflow - Modular Interior - Includes 3x Fractal Design Silent R2 120mm Fans - USB 3.0
42 Review
MasterBox Q300L Micro-ATX Tower with Magnetic Dust Filter, Acrylic Side Panel, Adjustable I/O & Ventilated Airflow, in Black
40 Review
Fractal Design Define R5 - ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - High Airflow and Silent Optimized - Includes 2x Dynamix GP-14 140mm Silent Fans - Water-Cooling Ready - Black
43 Review