Ordinary tyres. On the downside, they are sooooo noisy, so much so that the head hurts from the hum. Even my wife said, horror. For me, this is the main criterion. Pereobulsya with winter studded Dunlop was quiet and smooth, buzz including on dry pavement. Shod nokian nordman sx3 and despondent, the noise increases after a speed of 70 km / h in proportion to the set. I will sell . Car Audi A3 8pa. Size 205\552022. My father took the same one and he was also surprised by the noise of the tires. The second problem is that they are constantly unbalanced, the disks are even. It is worth driving 10 kilometers and that's it, welcome to balancing. Balanced 4 times. I have driven about 2.500 km on tires already. Just think that winter studded tires are many times quieter than new summer ones) . There was an experience of buying hakkapelita 9, r16. There were also problems with balancing, during the winter I spent around 8 and put up for sale, tired of selling for half the price. This is where my acquaintance with Nokian and Norman ends forever. I will choose between Dunlop, Continental, Michelin. I took a bridgestone spike 2 a few years ago, I’m also satisfied, right now they are on my mother’s car and so far all the spikes are in place. Adequate noise and excellent handling with braking. Nokian in any of its manifestations, goodbye)!
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