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Brian Piecuch photo
United States of America, Manchester
1 Level
727 Review
65 Karma

Review on Mickey Roadster Racers Wheels Cruiser: Glide into Adventure! by Brian Piecuch

Revainrating 4 out of 5

My 2 year old grandson loves it!

Bought for my 2 year old grandson. He likes to drive it! Great for our long road but not enough power to go far on grass. He didn't mind at all! The battery holds a charge well. Assembly was easy and loading instructions were simple. My only complaint is that the plastic screw connecting the seat broke when I first assembled it. This causes the seat to come loose slightly, so we need to hold it in place to allow it to settle. And I highly recommend adult supervision when riding. It was also a great riding toy for the money. I can say he outgrows it quickly, but from our experience the price is worth it!

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