I had a hard time reading the reviews on Revain and the web on which 27MHz antenna to buy. I have a Midland 75-822 CB radio. This antenna has high quality components. I particularly prefer the center load antenna over the 11m base load antenna where the CB radios are located. They are more efficient than baseload antennas but not as efficient as topload antennas. You will find that many truckers have center loading and sometimes top loading antennas. I find the transmit and receive aspects of this antenna excellent. With CB radio, the range primarily depends on the geographic location (plains, hills, mountains, etc.). This antenna works very well in all conditions. If you're looking for the absolute best range, we all know that means the full 1/4 wavelength of a whip antenna, as in 102โ. One day I will have a full 102 inch antenna but for now I am very happy with this midland antenna. There is a lot to be said for the compromise between comfort and maximum range. I hope my observations here will be of use to you.
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