These bags are the best deal! They were recommended to me by a friend so I gave them a try and I wasn't disappointed. Foodsaver bags can be a bit pricey but I was a little worried about the quality of the cheaper brand so thought I could use them for food where deflating isn't a big deal as it deteriorates. Well these bags are cool! They're just as strong, just as thick, and just as easy to suck! They come in a plastic bag strong enough to store and I don't have to worry about keeping it clean. But at the speed at which I'm using them, this probably won't be an issue. So far I've ordered a gallon, a quart and now a pint. I like the pint size so I can freeze individual portions of the meat. I live alone but also don't have access to a shop nearby so I buy good quality meat in bulk and freeze it. I also have relatives who reward me with venison, so for example I package individual portions and as 'payment' I make homemade bread for these relatives which I prefreeze and then vacuum pack in gallon bags in case I see them again. This last batch arrived a little slower but that could be Revain's fault as I ordered other items they may have been waiting for so I can't fault the company for that. I will definitely buy again.
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