The cage is easy to assemble, all parts are very high quality. The wooden handle feels very good and looks very good. I attached the Camvate cage to my Panasonic G85 using the smaller of the two rods that come with the kit. It fits very well and feels very secure. See my pros and cons below: Pros: * Excellent quality. Even if it were twice the price, it would still be good value for money.* Good ergonomics. The cage handles feel nice and durable and offer many different mounting solutions.* User-friendly. The cage was fairly easy to attach to my G85. It took about 10 minutes.* Expandable. There are several places in this cage where you can add accessories. * Looks. The Camvate cage has a great finish that looks and feels solid. The screws that come with it are also of good quality. The wooden handle has a beautiful finish and is comfortable to the touch. Cons: * The screw that attaches to the base of the camera doesn't have a flip-out tab, so you'll need a screwdriver or coin. This is literally the only negative I can find on this cage. All in all, the Camvate Universal Camera Cage comes highly recommended!