As a lawyer and in law school, I've earned my fair share of bags and briefcases. However, after receiving this bag I can say 100% without a doubt that this is the best bag I have ever bought. First of all, don't let the picture fool you. It may look like a regular canvas bag that you can find at any Target, but when you hold it in your hand you can feel just how high quality it really is. It has a certain weight and appears to be very well made. Second, if you're like me, the bags and briefcases you find at Office Depot or Staples can be a little overwhelming. They are very expensive and full of pockets and slots that I never need and will never use and make it so that almost nothing fits in my pocket. There is a large compartment in this bag that I can easily slip my files into, as well as a couple of basic side pockets for a laptop and small items. Simple but effective. The bag is new to me but I am very happy with it. Banuce must be very proud of developing such a high quality product that costs very little. If you are looking for a stylish, high quality bag that is roomy and roomy, then this is DEFINITELY your choice.
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