(updated review after buying 3 of these and one dying): one of them died at my last job. After using those few jobs/months the speed dial stopped working (sticks at one speed) then I blew two circuits on the next job before realizing there must be a short. I'll take it to the warranty center but I'm a little disappointed. When the other two start failing, I move on to the check box. All things break sooner or later, so I'll be open to judgment. The fairing works flawlessly (I get past the rigid sliding flap by directing the airflow with my gloved hand, and I wish they had designed it for strength and not failure (i.e. the plastic fairing gets punctures due to abrasive concrete). Always in the same place).(Updated a few months after the second broke) Only bought three of these. It was usable until it immediately started tripping the switches. The second speed controller had failed leaving a single unknown speed. I continued to use it out of necessity, I think the speed adjusted to another unknown speed. The dial appears to be just a freewheel on both failures. I'm skeptical of the brushless design as it's entirely computer controlled. I will try to bring the defective devices to an authorized repair center. I will update. to the point of opening and closing, but it's frustrating at first. However, I like the design of the brushes and keep swapping them out when the brushes wear out and, worse, the abrasive concrete dust is destroying the hole in the case's vacuum neck. Built for unnecessary rejection. A thin plate of spring steel should be riveted to it. Unfortunately you will not find any replacement brushes. Sheet metal on one of my shrouds hardens and breaks over time. Overall covers work great for the price and are a replaceable wear item.