Packaging was fine, in ziplock bags that were easy to open. It is very easy to assemble. Stretchy, comfortable and adjustable. If you are sensitive to materials I can see that it is a bit scratchy. It seems a little strange, but over time I can get used to the new texture on my wrist. You can loosen or tighten it like a bra or dog leash. The colors are very beautiful. I like detailed patterns and I can choose between two. I also like that it doesn't just come off like rubber. You just put it on your hand when you're done collecting. It took me a few minutes to play around with it and figure out how to do it, so not long at all. It comes with a bunch of extra metal parts! I love wearing them every day. In the photo with the key, the wrist strap is fully extended from the plastic part, in the other it is fully retracted. I think it fits both very large and very small wrists. Maybe I could see how it stretches over time? But getting used to it quickly doesn't hurt. Plastic can break if you're not careful. The joints of the watch are metal, the rest is sewn on an elastic material due to construction, and the plastic is not in contact with you as it is slightly raised due to manufacturing. That's all I have. Give a thumbs up if it helps so others can see :)
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