I can see some people will find this case too big or bulky. But (for my needs) it is perfect and above all it protects very well. The inner lining is also very nice. I can rest assured that my items are protected if I accidentally drop this. I also like how they added a wrist strap. It has a nice texture and feels very secure on the bag itself (though you can't remove the strap). Surprisingly, there is no company logo anywhere on the outside of the case. Rather, it is in a small spot inside the case. This is a minor point, but I imagine some people will be happy with this solution if they don't want to show the logos. USB-C mains charger. I love how I was able to easily place these items in this case; I tried this with this company's foldable accessory case, but it wouldn't fold properly with all of these items. The middle flap can be fastened with a small velcro located inside. I really like this design as I made it so that when I open the suitcase my most important things that I need right away are clearly visible. My other stuff that I rarely use is on the other side where the velcro secures the valve. In conclusion, I would highly recommend this to anyone who doesn't mind a bulky accessory case and wants to be sure their stuff stays protected wherever they go. walk; for those who don't mind an all-black design and don't need a flashy body. The build quality is truly exceptional for the price you pay. I can say that this company took the time to ensure they made a good case that would be good for someone like me. Many Thanks.
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