I bought size 6-7 for my little 7 year old daughter who usually wears size 7. For the most part they fit her exactly as expected. However, they have a very high waist. My daughter keeps trying to wear them on the same waist as other leggings and it gives her a saggy crotch. Which looks very strange. The material is soft and very thin which is fine for us in South Texas but might be an issue for others in colder regions! Update: We've been wearing these leggings for 4 months now and each pair has been worn less than 10 times. These aren't her favorite leggings (although she loves how soft they are). They didn't last at all! The colors are very faded, the material on the buttocks and knees is worn and thinned, peeling everywhere. They don't look good at all and she doesn't want to wear them to school anymore because they look so bad. I will not buy these again
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