Player progression. If we compare the early screenings of the game with the release build, we can draw conclusions about how the gameplay canvas has changed. Previously, weapons had noticeably more ammo. Added too many guns - how to make the player use all of them? Cut down the store. As a result, from the same double-barreled shotgun, you can shoot six or eight times - and that's it, switch to another. The store was cut down - where to get cartridges? I had to remake the chainsaw from a life-saving weapon that you use a couple of times per level into a separate one-shot button for any monster, for which you are rewarded with rain from all types of cartridges that fill your ammo to the top. Futility of improvements. If in DOOM 2022 every upgrade just allowed you to deal damage differently, here they have a purpose. For example, you can hang an underbarrel Velcro grenade or a cluster shot on a shotgun. And the game immediately gives the player a hint: if at the moment when the cacodemon opens its mouth, shoot it with a sticky grenade, it will choke on it and one-shot. There are cacodemons in absolutely every arena until the end of the game. Question: why do you need a second shotgun upgrade if the player does not want to switch to it? And so with absolutely every type of weapon, the game forcibly forces the player to choose exactly what was intended by the creators, and not to look for their own fighting style. Excessive variety of pumping. You can upgrade each gun, hang two upgrades on it, upgrade several upgrades for these upgrades, and then upgrade their improved form to upgrade upgrades, upgrade Praetorian armor, doomslayer characteristics, and depending on which one you took, one of the characteristics is pumped - vitality, shields or ammunition, upgrade 9 runes and wear 3 of them at a time. Art style. DOOM Eternal sets a completely new mood for the series, more characteristic of Quake - namely, cheerful, unobtrusive, with many bright colors. And now finishing moves are accompanied by "funny" sounds from Looney Tunes. Live with it.