This is a great bag for commuting. I put my work shoes in the largest compartments on either side, and a thermal lunch bag, a thermos of coffee and a selection of snacks in the other. I put headphones, papers, and checks in the second zippered compartment. On the other hand, I throw away all my personal belongings when it rains very heavily. The last bag is for hose, tools and pump. On the other hand, I keep spare gloves and heating pads just in case. If you want to take a change of clothes with you, grab a front pocket and you're done. It's more waterproof if you have the zippers on one side instead of connecting them in the middle of large compartments. I still use ziplock bags for my wallet and such if I tuck them in just in case. Looks and feels like canvas but with a rubberized layer on the inside. The fabric was definitely treated and smelled really bad. I opened everything up and left it open for a week before it dissipated. Its worth it? YUP! Is it for grocery shopping and bike packing? No, it's for commuting. I like the handle so you can take it off and switch to other things. I also like the reflective strips on the back.
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