I bought this item and it looked like a five year old could wear it and I ordered 7/8. Bought another item from the same company (pink gray top with two stars and a ruffle at the bottom) and the size was perfect. It looked like she could wear this top for two years, but this blue one with a butterfly is a must have for my much younger niece. It's crazy to make clothes in smaller sizes and it's from the same company.
Adorable TABNIX Toddler Little Girls’ Short Sleeve T-Shirts: 4-Pack Graphic Cotton Tops for Size 2-7 Years
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Girls' Clothing: Spotted Zebra 👧 Toddler Long Sleeve Tops, Tees & Blouses
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Spotted Zebra Girls' Short-Sleeve Flutter T-Shirts: Amazon Brand for Fashionable Kids
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Amazon Brand Sleeveless Chambray Multi Dots Girls' Clothing
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