Everything! The interface looks great, it's customizable (both colors & fonts) allowing you full control over almost every aspect including placement in user-interface design elements (elements like menus). Great customer service as well - very responsive through email/phone support which has allowed us complete autonomy when implementing this product at our facility; we didn't have any constraints beyond what was included with installation or documentation from innate-track team members during implementation phase. Nothing yet but I expect most issues will resolve themselves once implemented so far everything seems simple enough for our staff who are not familiar wtih programming languages such as C#/.Net etc., though their software development background does include Java experience however nothing major here either since its more about how they've laid out things than anything else really aside form ease of use & featureset available without having custom coding required. The best thing about innatrakt was its ease in use, it has all you need for tracking inventory with out any hassle or confusion at least i felt so when using this software. I have no dislikes as such but if there are then please let me know because we will try our level best to resolve them before rolling out new version. This system works great for small businesses like mine where we don't require too many features just basic ones which help us track stock levels.