Yaacomo is a fantastic tool to store data that is needed to be used by other applications. It's also very useful when developing new applications to have data in one place that other applications can use. The license cost can sometimes make it difficult to justify for some customers. I have not experienced this myself, but others have indicated that the cost could be prohibitive, leading some customers to try out other similar products that are hosted in the cloud. Some of the things I am solving for now as a result of using Yaacomo are. I like that it has an intuitive UI which makes it easy to navigate. The ability to use SQL queries also helps with getting things done quickly without having to learn new syntax or language features. It's not as flexible as other tools out there but if you're looking for something very specific this could be your tool of choice. We are using it to store customer information (name, address, phone number etc) so we can make sure they have all their info when they come into our office.