I'm not changing my first pair. Six months or a year and the headphones in turn begin to skip charging. Contacts cleaned, bent, enough for a short time. Well, it is depressing that it is very bad to talk in them on the street. The first AirPods in this were three heads better! With its pros. Usability at its best Excellent ecosystem Excellent Noise Isolation/Transparency Mode Wireless charger Cons: Mediocre sound Disgusting audibility when talking on the street Headphones start charging very quickly Lightning
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«Sony 50DMR47SP DVD R 4 7GB Recordable» - "Сони 50DMR47SP DVD R 4 7GB Записываемый
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Сони 8-см DVD-R двусторонней записи с петлей для подвешивания, 3 комплекта по 3 диска (3DMR60DSR1HC).
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📀 Смартбай 700МБ/80 минут CD-R пустые диски для записи данных - набор из 100 штук, скорость 52х, белая верхняя часть
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