The kit contains a good set of real modules, not a bunch of tiny circuit boards with a cheap component soldered onto them. I really appreciated this kit after purchase when I needed a different power supply for my motor project and found that this kit included a 9V 1A power supply in addition to the power prototyping board. So far the surprises have been good surprises.
GeeekPi Raspberry Pi Cluster Case with Cooling Fan and Heatsink for Pi 4 Model B, 3 Model B+ & 3/2 Model B
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LAFVIN Super Starter Kit for Arduino R3 Mega2560 Mega328 Nano with Detailed Tutorial - Compatible with Arduino IDE
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HiLetgo ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth 🔌 Board Module - Dual Core, ESP-WROOM-32 CPU
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Vilros Raspberry Pi 4 4GB Complete Starter Kit - Black Fan-Cooled Aluminum Case for Heavy-Duty Performance
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🔩 Enhance Repairs and Upgrades with 400pcs Laptop Screws w/Blue Nylok – Premium Titanium Nitride Screwdriver & Notebook Computer Screw Kit Set
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8Pcs Computer Thumb Screws Black
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🔧 TWYZONE Set: 10pcs Repair Replacement Screws + 1pcs Philips Head Screwdriver for Unibody MacBook Pro - A1278 A1286 A1297 - Bottom Case Compatibility (Not for Retina Display)
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Uxcell Phillips Screws Fastener Laptop
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