I was looking forward to being able to record data with the device. For the price, I wasn't too frustrated with the usual lack of intuitiveness and the cumbersome steps to go through to get datalogging up and running. But the fact that the data is completely wrong and totally different from what is shown on the LCD is frustrating. The devices are said to be designed for 30-130 dB. But uploaded data showed I was getting DB levels from 666dB to >5000dB. Needless to say, this is completely bogus and different from an LCD screen (which I now even doubt was correct). See attached screenshot. Here is some data: Recording time Noise (dB)1 11/26/21 10:59:53 3632.12 11/26/21 10:59:54 6376.63 11/26/21 10:59:55 1385.94 11/26/21 10 :59:56 852.25 26/11/21 10:59:57 870.36 26/11/21 10:59:58 2965.47 26/11/21 10:59:59 666 .58 11/26/ 21 11: 00:00 5077.69 26.11.21 11:00:01 1440.510 26.11.21 11:00:02 3874.6