Perfect for energetic toddlers! I bought these for my 2 and 3 year old boys for their birthday. It was everything I expected. For the price I was willing to buy it now and replace it in a few months. We've been using it for 2 months now and the only tear the size of a softball is over the end of the zipper. 1) Love it, love it, love the center bar - that's why I bought this one from everyone else I've seen. . My 1.5 year old boy on a friend's trampoline needed a crossbar to keep him from falling and to feel more secure. He doesn't use it like I thought he would when he was 2 BUT if they fall backwards (all the time) it takes net pressure to catch them and regain balance. 2) I love love love the safety net underneath is my biggest fear Trampolines - kids fall under and hurt themselves. This prevents it. We needed extra screws to attach it (there are already holes) but it's definitely worth attaching the grille underneath. 3) That thing is so quiet! The "springs" are actually elastic, so they don't have the loud noise of a metal spring. Ours now squeaks from poles that move, but I think it's still a lot less than an outdoor trampoline (which is great for my living room!) 4) Just buy it, it's great.