that's an antenna what can I say it took my SWR from 1.5 in all directions to 1.2 times 1 and 1.5 x 40 lowered It's a bit long so you still have to adjust it but I had the ant signal light on and that amazingly it went off. I've tried everything with my old antennas to turn off this damn light and nothing, I must have had a bad antenna and I'm sure one day it will be on all channels 1.0-1.1. One thing I don't like is an antenna that I installed on the passenger side. The LED blinked very quickly and went off when I was transmitting. So if there is a problem with the LED antenna or maybe the wiring is broken on that side but I will be replacing the wiring and all connections in the next few days so maybe it works, also I'm just using a Cobra 29 with the power modulation capsule removed, so maybe a 0-12 watt but the light came on, a few days later a Stryker 955 came along. yeah when that's hooked up I'll see if the antennas become Christmas trees lol my old antennas were fire resistant by the way , 4 footers, not configurable
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