They have a water repellent lining so the outside of the bag doesn't get wet from food. However, they are not waterproof. However, they fit very snugly as they are longer than other bags so you can get a pretty good seal by folding them up. I got away with fairly raw fruits and veggies with no leaks. Cleaning is easy. Just flip them over and hand wash them. I let them air dry overnight and in the morning they are done. (I usually just wipe the crumbs inside and you're done) All in all a great purchase. I have several other brands of reusable bags but I will be buying these to replace when they wear out. ** The only "bad" thing about these pouches is that they are very bulky for small portions. This seems obvious and is only a minor inconvenience. But for something like dried fruit or a few pieces of chocolate, I use another brand's smaller size. However, it's okay.
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