One of the two putti pictured broke off and was lost and had to be replaced. The wing would be visible from all sides, and the three remaining wings could not be used as a direct model. The wing was to be only 7/8 inch long, 1/2 inch wide, slightly curved, and no thicker than 1/8 inch, with approximately 25 highly detailed feathers carved into each side. Hard carving wax has proven to be a suitable material. a medium for a model that could later be cast, and miniature tools ground into shape. The level of detail required the carving to be done under magnification, in this case under a stereomicroscope at about 8x magnification. Holding the workpiece well The final hurdle was being able to move it around as needed. The PanaVise 203 Pv Jr. paired with a 300 series base looked good, but I had concerns about how well it would perform. Perfect for the Job Jaws flex under stress, but the carving wax holds tight and the positioning flexibility is invaluable.