I am satisfied with everything, both price and quality, I advise you to buy.
In general, IMHO) for example, 18-55 at 18-55, the feeling that the glasses themselves are better, The colors are deeper and have more editing potential, reality, liveliness,
Therefore, my rating is 4 then 5.
Pretty sharp (for a price of 9 pieces) dignity, but nice) In the dark, it' it noticeably does 18-55
At 18 and at 105 focal lengths, it really is", a little tint and beauty.
at least it doesnβ but for me itβ After the whale 18-55, the differences are not big, deep. " I think this is the main and, in fact, the only drawback, you can close your eyes to the rest (I will explain in the comments)
Oh, yes, I didnβ at 18-55, the stub simply bites into space.